Curriculum, Goals, and Core Competencies

The curriculum for the Cooper Medical Education Fellowship will be divided into four pillars linked to the strengths of the Cooper Emergency Medicine Department. A longitudinal curriculum will overlay these four pillars.



Lectures will occur every 2 weeks with the fellow via flipped classroom methodology. The fellow will review short core topics which will then be discussed with the Fellowship Leadership. There will also be a monthly Education Journal Club.


  • Provide fellows with core education theories and principles and how they apply specifically to medical education
  • Create an educator toolbox allowing fellows to hone their skills to form a platform on which to build a career in medical education (i.e. presentation/lecturing skills, curriculum development, bedside teaching, mentorship, feedback & remediation)
  • Aid fellows in developing an understanding of the “adult learner” and how to craft learning directed to this group
  • Support and guide fellows in creating a niche within medical education that will be pursued in ongoing career development
  • Provide guidance and expertise to fellows on becoming familiar and adept with multimedia tools for information dissemination and learning

Core Competencies

At the end of the fellowship the trainee will possess the following expertise:


  • Obtain Emergency Medicine board certification.
  • Attend 1 or more national educational conferences (one must be EM focus).
  • Identify an area of interest for clinical expertise.


  • Deliver effective Grand Rounds lecture presentations.
  • Appraise resident and medical student clinical performance and provide appropriate feedback to help improve trainee performance.
  • Apply mentorship skills to guide and advise medical students and residents.
  • Have knowledge of the implementation and content of remediation programs.
  • Describe and demonstrate appropriate bedside or simulation procedural technique teaching. 
  • Contribute to resident and medical student education through lecturing, simulation, digital education and other modalities.


  • Develop a core curriculum to incorporate into the Emergency Medicine Residency.
  • Contribute to the Emergency Medicine literature through peer-reviewed and non peer-reviewed products (original research, editorials, magazines, podcasts, blogs).
  • Attend the Annual CORD Academic Assembly and apply learned information.
  • Demonstrate knowledge, comprehension, and application of theories of medical education and the adult learner.
  • Create educator network to broaden expertise, opportunities for teaching and scholarship, and inter-departmental collaboration and learning.
  • Demonstrate the professional development skills necessary to become successful in an academic environment. 
  • Demonstrate effective management and leadership skills.


  • Develop, implement, and evaluate one QA/QI project to improve an emergency medicine system.
  • Participate in the residency interview and selection process.
  • Participate as a member of the Clinical Competency Committee. 
  • Participate as a member of the Program Evaluation Committee. 


  • Master the comprehension, evaluation and translation of the medical literature.
  • Design a scholarly project based upon personal academic interests.
  • Construct and present the CPC case at the CORD EM Academic Assembly.